Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bond, Number bond.

Ahhh, number bonds.
These two words that often get parents scratching their head as to why their children need to learn the number bond for.
In short, number bonds are ..
Number bonds are, in short, pairs of numbers that combine to make a third. Number bonds help show that every whole number larger than one is made up of other whole numbers. 2 & 4, 1 & 5 both make six. They are the number bonds of six. Number bonds are important for children to mentally count the numbers.  
I like to implement number bonds are it is easier for the children to mentally help them add and also help them in other maths concepts such as money, 5cents, 10 cents = 5 and 10 makes 15, those kind of stuff. 
This helps them, of course, in their adding up of their numbers and they don't have to use their fingers and toes (they will eventually run out of toes and fingers to count, i want to tell the parents. ;P)
I should share this image below to my kids parents.
Number Bonds
The name's Bond, Number Bond (Image:Wikipedia)

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