Sunday, July 22, 2012

Something interesting.

I have to admit, I do not like Maths at all. I hate this hate-hate relationship with Maths since I was like,7? I managed to get an A tho for my Maths PSLE though I do not know how. However, everything went downhill from there. I won't even bring up my grades for my O's. The feeling remains even up till this module where i tried my best to be interested as this would be beneficial for me as well as the children that i am teaching. :)

On the first day, it was quite mind boggling to find out the mistakes that we teachers commit unwittingly, which is a simple and common question being asked, "What is your weight?". That was a woah moment that got me stumped. And it got me to thinking of the many minds that i have "corrupted" with the common mistake. Thus, i went to school the next day and hurriedly announce to my fellow colleagues of this mistake. And surprise, surprise, I am not the only one.

Ahh, i hereby welcome myself to the world of Mathematics.

Whoopee. I shall do my best.


1 comment:

  1. Math in general is broad from equations to formulas to operations use. I understand why most students hate math it's more on a complicated curriculum in which if you don't love it you will hate this forever in your life. Whether we like it or not math is important to us.

    Jojo @ Free math worksheets
